
Reality Hits You Hard Bro

19.10.2012|Musikk, YouTube|

Songify This – Reality Hits You Hard Bro

Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month – After a near-death-experience, Arizona citizen and realist George Lindell sings a rousing ode to the constant, yet oft forgotten, fragility of the human experience. Original news story: —Does YOUR life need Songifying? Try the iPhone app!

Batman Maybe

11.08.2012|Musikkvideoer, YouTube|

Batman Maybe (Call Me Maybe parody)

«Batman Maybe» now available on iTunes!!! iTunes: SCROLL DOWN FOR LYRICS!! A Dark Knight Rises and Carly Rae Jepsen Mash-Up featuring Blake, Bruce Wayne, Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Commissioner Gordon and Nightwing…maybe. Let’s get contagious, send to friends! Directed By Wesley Freitas Shot By Jonathan Bruno Edited by Tyler Trautman Colored by Tashi Trieu Wanna Follow the Cast?

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